

Do gay people want to marry?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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Some wish to. Others do not. It's probably about fifty-fifty for existing cohabiting same-sex couples.

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6y ago

Some do and some don't. Just like straight people.

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Why do some gay people not want to marry?

Many gay people fight for their right to marry. Those whom do not wish to marry, simply are not seeking marriage, as there are straight people who do not wish to marry.

How many gay people marry straight people?

Gay People typically do not marry Straight People.

Do anti gay people want their children to marry closeted gay people?

I'm willing to bet that's not something homophobic people ever think about.

Why do some gay people want to marry?

Many gay people want what everyone wants. Love, stability, and a family. Marriage matters. Marriage creates a sense of stability and a warm, loving household. Marriage also gives many legal benefits that unmarried couples are denied.

Can a minister refuse to marry a gay couple?

That depends on the laws of your country and the policy of the church in which the people want to marry. As you have not provided enough information about these things we can not help you further.

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Why don't gay guys marry females?

Because they don't want to.

Is it illegal for gay people to marry each other in Texas?

Two people of the same sex are not permitted to marry each other in Texas. However, the way your question is worded, you leave open the option for a gay man and a gay woman to marry each other, which is legal.

Are unmarried people gay?

they might be. There are gay people who marry opposite sex partners for a variety of reasons. And while gay people couldn't historically marry, there are plenty of straight people who simply enjoy NOT being married or perhaps haven't been able to find someone for themselves.

Can gay people be catholic?

Yes, however the Catholic church requires gay people to be celibate AND not marry.

Why gay can not get married with a lady?

They don't want to for the same reason that a straight man does not want to marry a straight man.

Why would a gay guy want to marry a straight women who loves him?

Because he's gay doesn't feel attraction to women.