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Q: Do germs usually thrive in dry cold places?
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Which word is the simple subject of the sentence?

Penguins are birds that thrive in cold places.

Does opening windows when the temperature outside is 30 kill germs in the house?

some, maybe, but very few. a lot of germs thrive on cold and dry, and others like warm and wet (or somewhere in between). i definitely wouldn't reccomend it - bugs and even more germs could get in. so, really, no.

What is an area that cannot support human settlement?

There are a handful of places on Earth that cannot support human settlement. One of these places is Antarctica. It is far too cold and desolate for people to thrive there.

What is a cold usually caused by?

it is caused by germs or a flu and its caused by stress or from another person either from a cough kiss a sneeze

Can cold germs survive 10 days in a car without people?

Cold germs cannot survive 10 days in a car without people. Cold germs can survive up to 48 hours on surfaces.

Do cold sore happen over night?

Yes. If you are sick and your mouth is trying to fight off the germs, your mouth will create a big sore of the germs. This could happen over night and it usually does.

What causes the common cold?

basically,the germs you get when you have a cold is:some one has the cold and then they sneeze or caught touches you with their dirty hands th pass you their germs then,you get sick

Where does antlions live?

Usually in hot places but some times in very cold places

Do germs die in the cold?


Does cold water kill germs?


What happens to people with bronchitis?

Bronchitis is a cold that is in your lungs. You can get from germs. Bronchitis is not usually contagious, so you probably won't get it from other people.

Does hot water kill germs or does cold water kill germs?

I know for sure hot water kills germs