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Yes you can keep your puffles after membership expires on Club penguin.

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Q: Do get to keep your puffels after membership expires on club penguin?
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Related questions

What happens after your penguin membership expires?

Club Penguin sends you a mail asking you to renew your membership.

Can you use the membership again after it expires on club penguin?

Of course. You can even renew it before it expires.

What happens to puffles when a club penguin membership expires?

It should stay there.

What happens when your membership expires in Club Penguin but you are waring member clothes?


Do you get to keep the amulet on club penguin when your membership expires?

yes, you dont need membership to get the ninja amulet.

How can you find out when your membership expires?

If your membership is expiring soon, when you log onto Club Penguin, they will send you a reminder.

Do you still get to keep your furnature in club penguin when your membership expires?

when your membership expires you get to keep all your stuff furniture clothes everything hope this helps.

Can you still have member funiture items after your membership expires club penguin?

No you'll have to renew your membership in order to get your items back.

When your membership expires on club penguin do you get to keep the stamps you earned that only members can earn?


Why did CP let me keep and take around my member puffles after my membership expired?

When your membership expires, Club Penguin lets you keep your puffles. That is like the ONLY thing they let you keep when your membership expires.

Where is the golden puffels?

The golden puffels location is unknown maybe if any of you find it you will make club penguin puffel history:)

Do you lose the member puffles you bought with your membership when it expires?

Club Penguin is not to programmed to remove that in the 30 day period.