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Q: Do ghost can kill people
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Can ghost kill you when your sleeping?

No, a ghost can not kill you when you are sleeping. There are reasons that people can die while asleep, but as a ghost is dead - it can not cause you physical harm/kill you.

What is the Dark Side on Ghost Whisperer?

hey are the bad ghost that try to kill people

Do ghost games kill people?

No. These games do not really work.

Can ghost's kill?

Actually a ghost CAN kill you. if the ghost has enough strenght they can fisically attack you

How many deaths where by ghost?

Ghosts don't kill people, they can't.

Can ghosts kill living people?

No, a ghost can't kill you, ghosts would have to exist in the first place.

Can a ghost kill?

yes a ghost can fisically atack you so that means that they can kill you

Who did Michael Myers kill as a ghost?

He dressed up as a ghost to kill Lynda.

How do you kill a ghost?

You cant kill a gosht a ghost is already dead you cannot kill somthing that is already dead.

Is there a person in this world half ghost half person trying to kill people?

as far as all of my3year Novice ghost research I can say that theres no such thing as a half-ghost-person...trying to kill people... that's all I can say there is no such thing like that but if theres any evidence of it message me Rayquaza80--

Can a ghost kill a dog?

Only if it;s a bad ghost.

Do ghost want to kill us?

yes. but i. dint. saw. ghost