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There are no such things as ghosts.

There are ghosts and ghosts don't enter you... poltergeists POSSESS you. O.o

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Q: Do ghosts enter the body from behind?
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How can ghosts take over your body?

In Metaphysical terms, everything has a vibration. As the ghosts are simply disembodied spirits they just need to lower their vibration to that of the human body and enter. In Scientific terms, ghosts are yet to be proven.

What is in the mansion door in Moshi Monsters?

In the event, The Night of the Living Moshlings, Moshis vs Ghosts, you are told that there is a party going on behind the door in Goosebump Manor. However, once you complete the tasks which allow you access to the area behind the door, you find a portal that allows ghosts to enter the mansion.

Is there a myth behind ghosts?


Can a ghost enter your dreams?

Ghosts do not exist, except in the minds of the superstitious.No, they cannot enter dreams, they do not exist.

Are there Ghosts in ibiza?

Ghosts can be anywhere! Look out, theres one behind you!!! :) JK(Just Kidding :))

How can i know ghosts in my body?

i donno

Why are ghosts lonely all the time?

because they have body (get it no BODY)

Why do ghosts stay behind?

No question that there are good and bad ghosts, and I usually like to believe that ghosts don't mean to cause harm to us. But here's my answer to your question. Ghosts linger in homes and houses mainly because they were killed, so they had to stay behind and linger, waiting to be set free, or to be avenged. They can't rest peacefully until then.

Is tring haunted?

yes, ghosts move about the high street and many homes, some ghosts even enter shops of where they used to be in the past.

What is the story behind the Gettysburg Ghosts?

The story behind Gettysburg ghosts is due to it being the largest battle in North American history, with many souls that were never "put to rest" due to the nature of the war.

Are ghosts dead?

their body's are dead but their souls are NOT

Can ghosts turn invisible?

Obviously. There's one behind you right now.