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I THINK their boogers don't think they have noses when they die so....ya but thanks for asking this question!!!!

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Q: Do ghosts pick their noses if so HOW?
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What kind of people do ghosts like?

Ghosts like mean and greedy people so they can have a reason to pick on them, and be bastards.

Do dragons pick noses?

Only their own noses. and they often get nose bleeds.

Why can you pick your nose and pick your friends but you can not pick your friend's nose?

Picking Noses (Not That Kind of Picking)Before the advent of plastic surgery, there was a time when people could not pick their noses in the same way they could pick their friends. Now, because of plastic surgery, not only can people pick their friends, they can pick their noses too! They can even pick their friends noses, right out of a catalog, if their friends are so inclined to change their nose and value a friends decision on what nose should be picked. In the past, people had a much harder time picking their noses. Peter Piper, for example, who in ages gone by, picked a peck of pickled peppers, never picked his nose, nor did he pick his friends, all poor Peter picked was a peck of pickled peppers.

Do monkeys pick each others noses?

Yes, they do.

Do a 11 year olds pick their noses?

ummm of course not

Why do you pick noses?

so you can eat your nommy boogies! but dont eat to many or you will turn into the BOOGIE MAN! Save some for later!

What do German noses look like?

German noses come in a variety of shapes and sizes, just like noses in any other population. There is no one specific "German nose" that can be used to categorize all individuals of German descent.

Why do kids pick there nose?

Kids pick there noses because they can get it easier with there finger and its faster or they are lazy and dont want to get up and get a tissue

Are boys ratarded?

yes boys are retarteded because they are nonhuman beingsThat pick their noses:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Do dogs smell with their teeth?

No. Dogs Smell with their nose just like everything else that has a nose. Their noses are a lot more sensitive than human noses so they can pick up smells that we cant. Dogs do not however have any way to smell with their teeth.

Are there ghosts in Purcellville Virginia?

There is no such thing as ghosts, so no, there are no ghosts in Purcellville, Virginia.

Why are guys immature and annoying?

Because they don't know any better just to bother you and pick their noses.