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Q: Do giant African land snails live in a cold climate or warm climate?
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How long does a giant land snail hibernate for?

Giant African Land Snails have been known to hibernate in any part of the year however most cases of snails going into hibernation happen over the winter when it may become too cold for the snail. Typically they hibernate if conditions in their environment are not suitable (i.e. the temperature, humidity, availability of food and other such factors could cause a snail to hibernate).

What is the climate for an giant armadillo?

armadillo not live in very hot climate or in cold climate they live in mid type of climate in south and central america

In what kind of climate does the giant panda have to live?

They like to live in cold enviroments at the peak of the mountains.

How do you care correctly for Giant African Land Snails Mine have recently covered their shells up blocking their entrance. Please tell me why they have done this?

I found that Snails cover the front of their shells with their slime to protect themselves from predators but letting air in whilst they are hibernating. They do this during extreme hotness or coldness. The snails also hibernate during the winter for the same reason stated above; it gets so cold. The 'cocoon' acts as a tough skin and they will hide away from some while but will submerge soon enough

Can a snail survive cold temperatures?

Yes, snails can survive cold temperatures. The snails will stay out until the temperature turns to freezing then they will seek shelter.

Are apple snails cold water or warm water snails?

Apple snails are comfortable in water temperatures of 65-82 degrees Fahrenheit

Which climate never has really cold weather?

The climate that never has cold weather is the Tropical climate!

Do snails prefer their shells?

Snails do not have an opinion of their shell. It grows with them and offers them protection from the sun, predators, and the cold.

What is frigid climate?

Cold Climate.

What is the climate and weather of Saturn?

Saturn's climate is about 180 degrees Celsius below zero. It's freezing! It has giant upper atmosphere storms. It's wind is extremely strong, especially near the equator.

What climate is Neptune?

Cold its 153 degrees Celsius

When was Love in a Cold Climate created?

Love in a Cold Climate was created in 1949.