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Q: Do giant pandas eat 99 bamboo?
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What do pandas mostly eat?

Giant pandas have a diet made up of 99% bamboo but will eat meat, fish, and eggs when available.

What type of food do giant pandas eat?

The panda diet is 99% bamboo.

What do pandas have to eat in the wild?

Pandas eat grass and wild tubers. Panda's diet is 99% bamboo.

Do pandas all eat bamboo?

99% of the diet of the giant panda consists of bamboo.

What kind food do pandas eat?

pandas basicly eat fruit,bamboo and vegetables.

How many pounds of fish do pandas eat every day?

None. Although the Giant panda is omnivorous, it's diet consists of 99% bamboo. The red panda have a larger range of foods in their diet, but it's highly improbable they dine at Pizza Hut.

What is the vegetation of a panda?

99% of the giant pandas diet is bamboo.

Do pandas eat plants and bamboo?

yes in fact they do eat plants and bamboo.

What is the food source for panda bears?

99% of the diet of giant pandas is bamboo.

What do Chinese Giant Pandas eat?

99% of a Giant Panda's diet is bamboo. However, Giant Pandas sometimes eat small amounts of fish, honey, eggs, leaves, fruit and root vegetables. They eat small mammals and birds if they can catch them!

What makes up a pandas diet?

A Pandas diet consists of 99% bamboo. They occasionally eat the small bug or insect. Since bamboo does not have much nutrentions they must eat a lot during the day. So, they spend much of there day eating. Hope this helps!

Why do giant pandas survive in spring?

they need food and water. they survive on bamboo most ofthetime but they also eat honey and fish and insect and meat. there diet is 99% bamboo.