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No. Many red heads (gingers) have hair that lies flat to their heads, and though some have curlier hair, it's not that same type curly hair that black people grow.

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Q: Do gingers have the same texture hair as blacks?
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Why don't people like gingers?

Gingers are the same as people with any other hair color, there is no reason to dislike them.

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You cannot change your hair texture with hair transplant surgery. In Hair transplant, the surgeon will move hair from a donor area to a new recipient area and this is done so the hair texture will remain the same as where you harvested the hair follicle.

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No. Damaged hair will never act the same as your normal hair texture until you grow your hair out.

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Yes you can. Me and my cousin did it to barbie dolls and after it dried, it was soft, shiny, and had the same texture it did before,:)

Do red head have one less layer of skin?

ULTIMATE BULL! gingers do not have one less layer of skin, all humans have the same amount, gingers just have the ginger gene, meaning they have ginger hair. They usually have fairer skin and freckles which causes them to have more sensitive skin. But don't take any notice of people saying they have one less layer of skin!!


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How do you style your hair like Amandla Stenberg?

Amandla Stenburg's hair is a certain kind hair texture due to being her race. I'm not sure if you can really get your hair as voluminous as hers. But you can braid your hair when its wet over night and then take it out and it'll have the same waves like she does in one picture.

Why does a redhead male have blond facial hair instead of red hair even though he shaves often?

The color of facial hair is not necessarily the same color as the hair on the top of your head and the variation in color is generally higher among gingers and blonds than among brown or black-haired individuals. The color of a man's facial hair is usually the same color as the hairs on his arms and chest. Repetitive shaving only changes the quantity of facial hairs a man possesses, not the color of said hairs.

Are highlights bad for your hair?

Yes, because it involves bleach, which wreaks havoc on the texture of your hair (not to mention the environment). Try this instead: squeeze a lemon over your hair and go out in the sun for a bit. It does pretty much the same thing, only it's safer and cheaper.

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No. Blacks and whites could not use the same facilities back in 1929.

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no blacks and whites attended the same school in 1954 hope this help's.