

Do giraffe babies have fur

Updated: 10/8/2023
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Q: Do giraffe babies have fur
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What is the name of giraffe fur?

giraffe fur

Does a giraffe have fur?

yeah, it's a mammal

What is the color if the giraffe's fur?

Orange and cream

What color is the fur of the giraffe tail?


How many babies have a giraffe have?


What is the most babies a giraffe can have?

A giraffe could potentially have an unlimited number of babies, as long as it didn't die and always found a mate.

What are giraffes babies called?

A baby giraffe is called a calf.

What gender of giraffe does not have tufts of fur on their ossicones?

Female Giraffes

How many babies a giraffe give at a time?


How long does it take for a giraffe have babies?

12 months

How many babies can a giraffe have in one day?

1 baby

How meny babies can A GIRAFFE have?

One, twins are VERY rare.