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The front teeth have a chisel-like shape, the rear ones have a flat top for grinding.

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Q: Do giraffe have pointy or flat edge teeth?
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Are tigers teeth poiny or flat?

I think u ment pointy...but yes they are pointy not flat.

What kind of teeth do herbivores have Flat or poinited or sharp?

Herbivores have flat teeth that they use to eat plants. Carnivore have the pointy, sharp teeth that they use to rip up their meat. So to answer your question, herbivores have flat teeth.

Are shark teeth the same shape on the bottom as the top?

no the top is flat and the bottom is pointy

How can you tell all mammals aren't carnivores?

You can tell if a Mammal is a carnivore or not by their teeth. A carnivore will have pointy teeth made for ripping and tearing meat. A lion would be a good example An omnivore will have pointy and flat teeth to tear and grind both meat and plants. This is what a human is. A herbivore has flat teeth to grind plants. An elephant is a herbivore.

What type of roof did the Jewish Temple have?

It was a regular flat roof. Around the edge was a pointy barrier to keep the birds off.

Why are cats carnavores?

Cats are carnivores because they have teeth specially designed for ripping, tearing, and gripping meat. Your carnivorous teeth are in the front of your mouth (the pointy ones) and your herbivorous teeth are in the back (flat teeth) .

Are your teeth responsible for mastication?

Yes, your teeth are responsible for mastication (chewing). Your responsible (front big teeth) are responding for cutting/biting, your canines (sharp pointy teeth) are responsible for tearing, and your molars (flat teeth located on the sides) are for chewing.

Is it flat or mountainous in chembakolli?

No they are not flat they are pointy in chembaklli

What do animals with flat teeth eat?

They eat plants .Because if they were pointy it could tear meat very easily.

How many incisors does a giraffe have?

Giraffes have 32 teeth, just like using i basically think cause they have lots of teeth cause there mouth is big so it can eat carrots while chewing

Why do herbivorous animals have flat and wide teeth?

Giraffe's have sharp teeth however they are not big. they need sharp teeth to chew grass i beleive and to sex

Do camels have sharp teeth or flat teeth?

flat teeth