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Q: Do giraffes have bigger skulls than humans?
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What animals has the some number of bones neck as a humans?

Giraffes do. They're just bigger than ours.

Are golden eagles bigger than people?

no, there are no living species of eagle that are bigger than humans. There are however fossils of broken human ancestor skulls (mostly children) in ancient eagle nests in Africa.

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the only difference between their brains is the size because most humans have bigger skulls than dogs so that allows them to have a bigger brain and the bigger the brain the more your brain absorbs the information.

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How many giraffes can be in a space of 40 inches perimeter and 100 inches aera?

None. Giraffes are a lot bigger than that!

Have leopards got bigger spots than giraffes?

Usually, people would think yes but if you look close at a picture of a real one then they will definatly be smaller than a giraffes.

What animals are taller than giraffes?

Giraffes are the tallest animals, so no animals are taller. Some whales are longer, so there are bigger animals.

Do girls have a bigger skull than boys?

some girls have bigger skull some have regular scull what you should be ask is how soft are the skulls and what color they are??

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Is a rhino really bigger than a human or not?

Rhinos are totally bigger than humans