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That really depends, all girls are different some girls like it, and some don't.

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Q: Do girls like hickey
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Related questions

What do you do while getting a hickey?

a Hickey is where someone like sucks your neck. You can do the same back.

Are there after effects from a hickey?

Yes, there's the obvious mark that looks like a bruise. The hickey will often times be a bit sore. ---- While there is a bruise (which is the hickey), there are no long term effects from getting a hickey.

Can you give someone a hickey on their penis?

Yea you can... its just broken blood vessels, you can get a hickey anywhere.Yes

What kind of bug bite can look like a hickey?

Different bug bites can appear to look like a hickey. The reason for this is the reaction to the skin. If a person has an adverse reaction the skin will become irritated, red, and swollen and appear hickey like.

What game is similar to hickey?

I think woozworld is a good game and for some of u that like hickey like hickey, i think that its a good game 2. if u try woozworld and u dont like it try roblox 2! hope u like one of them1

What can you do to get rid of a hickey?

A hickey is a bruise and like any bruise it will clear in a week or two. There is nothing you can do but put makeup to cover it.

What color is a hickey?

at first it may appear a redish sort of colour, then after time it can form to a redish/purplish colour much like a bruise. a hickey usually lasts about 4-8 days depending on the hickey.

Can you get a hickey on your nose?

yep, i have, and i looked like rudolph for a week

Is it better to get hickeys than give?

it's better to give the hickey. that way, you don't look like a slut/manwhore with a huge hickey on your neck. xD

ZWhat is a hickey?

A hickey is a love bite

What is the birth name of Kevin Hickey?

Kevin Hickey's birth name is Hickey, Kevin John.

What is the birth name of Ursula Hickey?

Ursula Hickey's birth name is Ursula Marie Hickey.