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Q: Do golden retrievers bite more people than pittbulls?
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Do golden retrievers bite often?

They can tolerate but can rarely snap or bite, if teased a lot.

Do golden retrievers bite?

Golden retrievers only bite if angered or scared like any other dog.

Do labrador retrievers have stronger bites than golden retrievers?

No. Both are retrievers, both breeds have essentially identical bite patterns.

Do golden retrievers bite more people than pit bulls do?

In a recent study of 122 dog breeds by the American Temperament Testing Society (ATTS), Pit Bulls achieved a passing rate of 83.9%. That's as good or better than Beagles ... 78.2%, and Golden Retrievers ... 83.2%. This study basically showed that Pit Bulls and Golden Retrievers have about the same aggressive tendencies, except that a Golden Retriever is more likely to bite people than a Pit Bull is.

Are boxers alike to golden retrievers?

They are actually some what opposite...goldens have long fur boxers have short. goldens have a gentle bite boxers have a deadly bite.

Are Golden Retrivers friendly?

The answer depends on the Golden retriever but some goldens have been aggressive and bite a lot. Most Goldens are nice but you should watch out because you never know if it's just going to bite out of fear.

What is the best dogs around children?

The best dogs to have with children are Jack Russell Terriers, Fox Terriers, Labs,and Golden Retrievers prefer girls.Because they usually don't "mark there territories and for the most part there playful and calm at the some time. :}

Are golden retriver in the top 10 bite list?

Yep there the third on the bite list

Is a Golden Retriever dog good for little kids?

I have one Yorkie and one Golden Retriever, and let me tell you. Golden Retrievers are one of the most friendliest dogs ever! A Golden Retriever is the most perfect dog if you have children, because they are so nice and friendly. I woudn't get a small dog if you have children, because they can be snappy and get really grumpy and my Yorkie does exactly that. So if you have children and you're thinking about getting a dog, then the Golden Retriever would be great.ANOTHER ANSWERYes I totally agree. I don't HAVE one, but I would LOVE TO HAVE ONE!!! My neighbor has one and it is always wanting to play with me. IT IS THE SWEETIEST THING YOU HAVE EVER SEEN! It's identical to the dog on the BACON dog commercial. Where the dog talks. Except its a girl. So yes I would agree that they are good around kids. Mainly because I'm 11.

What golden doodles eat?

golden doodles are known for eating almost anything, if you send them into the backyard, they can eat pinecones or sticks. you might want to watch your dog so they dont eat anything dangerous.

Do people bite?

Yes, people do bite.

Do you kiss your dog?

Yes, if they bite hard enough. All dogs have differences types of power in different areas of the body. Pittbulls, rottweilers, American bulldogs, etc. can bite your finger off quite easily.