

Do golden retrievers take care of cats?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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It all depends on the relationship of the two animals. Most people find that cats and dogs get along well with each other if they have lived together for a while, but there is no real answer to whether or not a golden retriever could keep a cat alive.

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Q: Do golden retrievers take care of cats?
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Who was the first person to own a golden retriever?

I believe that Golden Retrievers were bred by humans, but they could have been wild. History does not tell this, because either history was not around at the time or because they gradually evolved to become the Golden Retrievers that we know today. However, Golden Retrievers are a good pet to take care of. They are loyal, faithful, and a good partner to boot! However, they're really friendly and don't make good watchdogs.

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Are golde retreivers easy to take care of?

Golden retrievers are not particularly difficult to care for, but do require time and attention, especially puppies! It is important that golden retrievers are taken for walks regularly. Golden retriever puppies will require more exercise than older golden retrievers since they are still growing and very energetic. Also, because golden retrievers' fur grows fairly long, they must be brushed often to prevent their fur from getting matted and full of knots. You must bathe them occasionally and take them to the veterinarian regularly to keep them up to date on all vaccinations. It is also good to keep in mind that golden retrievers shed excessively. So if you don't mind having dog hair all over the floor and on your clothes, then this shouldn't cause you any extra work. However, if this sounds like a major inconvenience to you, I would recommend a pooch that doesn't shed.

Can you just brush a golden retrievers coat or do you need to take them to a groomer?

Yes you can brush their coat.

Are Golden Retrivers friendly?

The answer depends on the Golden retriever but some goldens have been aggressive and bite a lot. Most Goldens are nice but you should watch out because you never know if it's just going to bite out of fear.

Are Golden Retriever puppies easy to take care of?

Golden Retrievers are known as one of the most family friendly breeds of dog. With puppies, you need to be patient and persistent in training as they are easily excited and distracted. They are very responsive to training as long as the person training the dog is consistent.

How do you take care of a cats bullet wound?

Take them to the vet.

Which dog breeds are best?

Golden Retrievers are the best dog breed you can get. That is just my opinion. I have two, so as a dog owner it is my job to favorite ththis breed. They love to run and play. they are very lovable and intelligent. If you are looking to to get one please go the following website. Long Island Golden Retriever Rescue is a great place to get golden retrievers. They are dogs that are brought to shelters. These people will then take care of them. I got my two dogs Baby and Kiki from their. Please, these animals need a home.

If you bought a Golden Retriever that is still a puppy, how should you take care of it?

How you take care of a regular puppy

Do cats take care of them selves?

all animals can take care of them selfs. (I mean wild animals)

Do cats take care of their young?

Yes , as always

What do you like better cats or dogs?

I like cats because they are easier to take care of.