

Do goldfish need a dechlorinator

Updated: 10/6/2023
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14y ago

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That would be nice. Especially if your town uses a lot of chlorine. Letting water stand for a while it out gasses a lot of O2 and some chlorine gas as it rises to room temp but it may not be enough. A dechlorinator would be helpful.

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13y ago

tap water might not be safe just rush over to pet smart or wallmart to get the fish purifier water.

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Can you put goldfish in an above ground pool for the winter If so how do you prepare pool?

Yes, first you'll have to use water treatment chemicals(e.g. Clarifier, dechlorinator). You'll probably need a pond heater if the fish will be outside in the winter. And a pump to keep the water aerated. Hope that helped!

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That you need a new goldfish

How often do you need to put chlorine neutralizer into a fish tank?

the only time you need to use a dechlorinator is when you do any water changes. you always add dechlorinator to any new water goin into the tank. once the water is neutralized you wont have to add any more. just make sure to follow the directions of the product you use.

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there are three basic breeds: fantail goldfish, comet goldfish, and common goldfish. if you are getting goldfish for the first time, i would recommend common goldfish as they need the least care.

Do goldfish need to be with other goldfish?

The answer is no. People usually think that goldfish get lonely and depressed. This is not true. Goldfish are fine on their own! People usually prefer 2 or more

What do goldfish need to lay their eggs?

goldfish need to lay eggs. Because if they don't no goldfish would be alive and would not be any more so they would become gone forever.

Hi i have a 9 leter tank and 2 small goldfish do i need a filter?

Yes, goldfish are very messy. Goldfish need 10 gallons per fish, you actually need a 20 gallon tank or about a 70 liter tank for 2 goldfish. But the small tank will do while they are small, you will need to eventually get a larger tank.

Does a female goldfish have to have a male around to get pregnant?

Well yes you need a male goldfish and a female goldfish to have babies but it takes allot of time to breed them.

If your goldfish is about 2 and a half inches long how big does its tank need to be?

Regardless of the type or size of goldfish the minimum acceptable size of an aquarium for a goldfish is 30 gallons. Buy a tank that is at least 30 gallons if you plan to have goldfish. You can comfortably fit 3 goldfish in a tank this size but no goldfish in a tank any smaller. Goldfish are essentially pond fish and need lots of space to swim; they will not thrive in a small aquarium.

Will 2 Guppy's be eaten by a goldfish?

The goldfish should never be in the same tank as guppies. Goldfish are coldwater fish and need to be kept below 70F. Guppies are tropical fish and need to be kept above 70F.

What are the requirements for a tank to put goldfish eggs into?

Goldfish just need a plain bowl and some plants