

Do gorrilas eat apples

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: Do gorrilas eat apples
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Gorrilas eat about 25lb - 40lb

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Why do gorrilas eat there own poop?

to gain nutrients they can't receive from plants

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Do gorrilas eat ants?

Yes they do, they eat them for animal protein and other nutrients. They get overly excited when they are shown ants.

What is the collective noun for gorrilas?

a band of gorrilas

Can chickens eat apples?

yeh they are able to eat my apples

Why do you eat apples?

we eat apples because they taste really good.

What animals eat may apples?

Hogs eat May apples.

Are apples safe for doges to eat?

Yes, dogs can eat apples.

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Any dog can eat apples just not the seeds.

Do possums eat apples?

Yes, possums (which are not the same as opossums) do eat apples.