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Q: Do grasshoppers have a coiled shell or a shell made of two similar parts?
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Does a grasshopper have a coiled shell or shell made of two similar parts?

A butterfly is made of three parts, the head, thorax, and abdomen. It also has six legs and two wings.

Do grass hoppers have a hard shell?

Grasshoppers do not have a hard shell.

Do butterflies have coiled shells?

There is only one situation when a butterfly has a coiled shell. This is when the butterfly has died and its internals are dried up. The shell then covers the dead insides.

Does a lobster have a coiled shell?

If you take a rope and coil it up on a flat table, you will get the basic idea of what a coiled shell looks like. Or, you could look at a cinnamon roll which is the culinary equivalent of a coiled shell. I'm going to let you decide....does a lobster look like a cinnamon roll?

What are nauliloids?

Did you mean "Nautiloid?" Which is a sea creature similar to a Nautilis, only its shell it cone shaped instead of coiled. It also died out a long time ago.

How do grasshoppers maintain their stable internal conditions?

Grasshoppers, like other insects, maintain stable internal conditions through homeostasis. The exoskeleton is a hard outer shell that helps protect their bodies and internal parts.

All gastropods have a single large coiled shell?


What prehistoric animal looked like a squid in a coiled shell?


May have a shell that is coiled or made of two hinged pieces some have no shell capture prey with tentacles?

The answer is octopus.

Cephalopods with a single coiled shell called ammonoids were once very common but are now extinct?


Do grasshoppers have a hard or a soft shell?

Grasshoppers have a hard 'shell' (which is their exoskeleton), a skeleton worn on the outside of the body to protect soft tissues, rather than an endoskeleton (like what humans have) which is a support framework mostly located within the tissues.

What is a discoscaphites iris?

Discoscaphites iris is a fossil of a cephalopod mollusk. It is a coiled shell that looks much like a nautilus seashell.