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yes the eggs hatch in the mothers womb and eat the smaller siblings before they are born

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Q: Do great white sharks have live birth?
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When a great white shark has a baby is a egg or not in a egg?

Great White sharks birth live young.

How many sharks give live birth?

Some sharks lay eggs on the bottom of the ocean, called devil's wheelbarrows or mermaid's purses. Most sharks give birth to live young.

What Sharks give live birth?

yes there is only one shark that gives birth a lemon shark but some times a great white can give live birth

Where do great white sharks live in Canada?

great white sharks live by the vancover islands

Can great white sharks live in streams?

No. Great white sharks do not and cannot live in streams. They only live in oceans and seas.

Do white sharks live seas?

White sharks are very rare, and Great White Sharks live in Fresh Water oceans.

Are great white sharks born live or from eggs?

They are ovoviviparous; they give birth to live young.Great White Sharks have live birth, even though they are fish. They give birth to 1 to 3 live young but the mother does not care for them.

Name the sharks that live in British waters?

great white great white great white

Are great white sharks endangering other sharks?

No great white sharks in fact help the balance out the life and things that live in the ocean

Do great white sharks live in one spot or are they nomads?

Great White Sharks do not live in one spot. They sometimes live in a general area, but they are more nomadic.

Do great white sharks live in England?


Do great white sharks live in packs?
