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Yes. They can transform into pretty much anything but usually keep up the appearance of a particularly stunning human. It was said that if you saw a god in their natural form it would be so powerful that you would be incinerated.

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Q: Do greek gods change appearances
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Greek gods and goddesses could change their appearances, including eye color.

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Greek gods and goddesses could change their appearances from human (old, young, hair color - exc.) to animals (cows, swans, fly, goat).

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The greek gods could change form at will. They were immortal and powerful.

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The Greek gods could change their hair color.

Can greek goddess change appearance?

Yes, I believe all the gods can. They can change form as well.

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Mount Olympus like the rest of the 12 Greek Gods

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Greek myth does not say. Gods could change any part of their appearance at will.

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There is the greek god Poseidon, but not many gods in Greek Mythology can actually change forms.

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Greek gods and goddess could change their appearance, this included height.

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Greek gods and goddesses could change their appearance at will, this included height.

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Greek gods and goddesses could change their appearance at will, this includes height.