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Yes, they make a sound like a siren. Hence the name "Siren".

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Q: Do greek myths the sirens make sound?
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Related questions

Are there any myths about sirens?

The main Greek myth of them is in the Odyssey; but they do make an appearance in many myths where there is sailing.

Why are Greek myths the center of Greek life?

Greek myths were the center of Greek life because people made up stories to explain why things happen, when people got scared about something they would make up a story to face their fear, and they made up stories about heros, gods, and goddesses.

Which type of story is best classified as a myth?

Greek myths also make good bedtime stories for kids.

What sound does the Greek letter Ϡ make?

The Greek letter Ϡ, called koppa, represents the /k/ sound, similar to the English letter "k". However, it is not commonly used in modern Greek and has been replaced by the letter kappa.

What is sirens greek name?

In Greek mythology, Sirens were women with the body of a large bird and the head of a woman. They were not harpies, although several depictions give them similarities to harpies. They appeared as beautiful women to sailors, and would sing beautiful songs, so the sailors would steer their ships toward them. The Sirens lived on a rocky island though, so whenever sailors passed, they would steer their ship toward the Sirens and the ship would crash and sink on the rocks. If you listened to the songs and got away alive, however, they were supposed to make you wiser. The Greek hero Odysseus (called Ulysses by the Romans) wanted to hear their songs, so he tied himself to the mast and plugged his crew's ears with wax. Sirens are often associated with mermaids.

Why is eros important?

Because like all the other Greek myths,God's,and goddesses all of there powers make them special in there own way.

How did the Percy Jackson series get started?

The author, Rick Riordan, told many Greek myths to his son who was ADHD and dyslexic. His son was really interested and liked it but then Rick Riordan ran out of myths. He decided to make his own and his son loved it so much convinced him to make it a book!

In the greek language what is the difference between omega and omicron?

In a more earlier form of Greek, omega had a longer "o" sound whereas omicron had a shorter sound. However in modern Greek, both letters make the same "o" sound which can make spelling sometimes difficult. Majority of the times the last letter of the word will end with omega rather than omicron. Hope this helped

Who made the Roman myths?

Well, the Romans didn't so much as make it, as they did help grow it. You see, mythology is like language, it has no creator but millions of contributors These contributors make the myths grew and change into many wonderful things. The Romans Mythology partly grew from Greek Mythology, as well its own homegrown tales. Eventually, the homegrown became inseparable from the Greek myths, until one great large Mythology rich in stories, depth, and history was to be the cultural legacy of the Romans.

What are the three reasons for telling myths?

To explain a natural occurrence, like reeds make sound when the wind blows. To show the beliefs of a culture. and to tell stories of heroes.

Why do trains make noises?

Because like automobiles and other machines, they have moving mechanical parts in them that come into contact. And when this happens it makes noises, and sirens are also another thing that makes sound from a train.

What three cultures made up myths?

All cultures make up myths.