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No the guests stand when the bride enters and walks down the aisle then they sit once she reaches the alter. The guests sit down through the ceremony and stand once the couple are presented as Man and Wife and remain standing until the entire wedding party has exited the room. Unless this is a ceremony where nealing is a customary part of the ceremony.

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* In some ceremonies the guests will stand and look towards the bride coming down the aisle, but is more common for the guests to remain seated and turn to watch the bride come down the aisle.

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Q: Do guests stand throughout the wedding ceremony?
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The guests would stand when the bride enters the procession on her father's arm.

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it's a wedding ceremony. The chuppah itself is what the bride and groom stand under, but most people call the ceremony itself a chuppah

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Ushers are responsible for escorting guests to their seats and maintaining order during a wedding ceremony. They typically assist with seating arrangements and distributing programs. Groomsmen, on the other hand, are members of the wedding party who support the groom throughout the wedding day. They may participate in various pre-wedding events and often stand alongside the groom during the ceremony.

Are ushers considered part of a wedding party?

An usher can be a part of either side - the brides' side or the grooms' side. An usher can be either male or female; can be a relative, a friend or even a member of the bridal party, usually a groomsman. If a groomsman also serves as usher, he will assist with pre-ceremony duties and after the guests are seated, he will take his position for the processional and stand-in with the rest of the bridal party.Typically, you would want to have 1 usher per every 50 guests to direct guests to the appropriate places, to help seat and to ensure the ceremony runs smoothly.**Note**... I use the word "he" for a groomsman, but a female can also stand in on the grooms side, but she would be called a grooms woman.

Where does the groom stand during a wedding?

In general, on the right-hand side of the bride.

What does the chuppah in a Jewish wedding symbolize?

The wedding chuppah is a special canopy that wedding couples stand under in a Jewish wedding ceremony. It symbolizes their future privacy of their new home.

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A best man or witness at a German wedding appears in person at the civil wedding ceremony and signs and witnesses the marriage certificate. In a church ceremony, the witnesses usually do not stand at front, but may be asked to read a scriptural passage out loud or perform another liturgical act.

Where does groom stand during wedding ceremony?

The groom stands to the right sideways to watch his bride come down the aisle and his Best Man stands beside him.

Where under the chuppah where do the parents stand?

The wedding ceremony begins with a procession of the wedding party members. At the wedding site, both sets of parents escort the bride and groom down the aisle. The marriage ceremony is performed under a special canopy, called a huppah, which represents God's presence, shelter and protection.

How to Jewish people get married?

The Rabbi reads the Ketubah (wedding vows) as the bride and groom stand under the wedding canopy (Chuppah) in the presence of the guests. Then he says seven blessings over a cup of wine, and the groom places a ring on the bride's finger and ceremoniously declares that he is betrothing her.