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no, no animal has a period, they go into heat once a month just like humans. it is slightly differently though. going into heat just means their bodies are ready to carry young
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Q: Do guinea pigs have periods
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When do guinea pigs have their 1st period?

Thye don't have periods.

Are guinea pigs a pig or?

No!!!!!!!They are actually part of the rodent family.

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Do female pigs menstruate?

I dont really think so because I have a guinea pig and she is now 2 years old (in human years) and she has not had her period. They might though and my guinea pig might just be spayed because I got her from someone else and I'm not sure if she did or not. I know dogs do but cats dont so my guess is going to be no. because in the wild, who is going to clean up the blood for the guinea pig???nobody. so probably no. thank you for asking!! i love answering questions on here.

How many guinea pigs do guinea pigs have?

I have three

Who gave the name 'guinea pigs' to guinea pigs?

Not sure, but guinea pigs aren't type of pigs. They're in the rodents family, and NOT pigs. Hope this helped?

Do Romans toast guinea pigs?

Peruvians cook guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are native there and they are called Cuy.

Do guinea pigs or gerbils produce gnats?

No. Gerbils produce gerbils and guinea pigs produce guinea pigs

Are guinea pigs diurnal?

Basically, yes. They 'rest' for a very short time in a day, and that time can be in the day, or night. ** supplemental: This question still has no clear answer, because guinea pigs are neither strictly diurnal nor nocturnal. They seem to scatter longer periods of activity with shorter periods of sleep throughout both the day and night. Many owners will argue that they are apparently "more" diurnal, but this has to do with the observation that guinea pigs appear to adapt to the schedule and the rhythm of their human owners, who are mostly diurnal.

What is guinea pig litter?

Male Guinea Pigs are called Boars, female Guinea Pigs are called Sows, and babby Guinea Pigs are called Pups. A group of Guinea Pigs is called a Herd. :)

Do they eat Guinea pigs in Equatorial Guinea?

No. Also, there aren't any guinea pigs in Equatorial Guinea.

Are ZuZu Pets hamsters or guinea pigs?

they are guinea pigs