

Do guys like it when you stare into their eyed?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Do guys like it when you stare into their eyed?
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Depends on the type of stare. But, most of the time girls usually stare at guys whom they like.

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Do guys like you when they stare at you?

yes they like you. Or they could be a stalker. Not actually we just find them attractive

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That's a hard one to answer because it depends on who u ask different guys will have different answers u can ask what do most guys like with if u ask me is light eyed blonds

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Well sometimes they stare at you because you stare at them...or maybe they like you! But if there is a chance they do when they look at you smile at them then close your eyes and look away! It works everytime

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Guys like what they see, it's just a silent complement.

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Because they wanna see them naked.Very few stare, but of the ones who do stare, it is probably because they like what they see and cannot get enough. Others may stare simply because they are rude themselves.

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Guys may stare at you because A) You're in front of them, and it's a natural thing to look or even stare at a person. B) You're very pretty, and guys tend to continually stare at pretty girls without even wanting to start a relationship. Hope I helped!

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so the girl won't suspect anything.

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For the same reason they prefer blonde hair, or freckles, or long legs: it's just what some guys are into.

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What kind of questions you guys ask , Idiotic Creature