

Do hamsters become happy

Updated: 10/7/2023
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16y ago

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They make poor pets because they do not seem to interact with their caregivers. However, they must feel love in their funny little world. I believe that if the mother has never given birth, the caregiver must remove the babies after birth because she will eat them. Remember, there is no right adn wrong in the animal kingdom.

Instinct reigns very strongly.

As a hamster owner I know that with proper socialization they can become attached to their owners. As for other hamsters, goldens are strictly solitary, but I had this one exception with two males that acted as a breeding pair. As with dwarves, they can live in bachelor/bachelorette groups with other dwarves of the same age. Instincts and urges do play a huge role in most of their interactions, but they are mammals, so they can make friends and feel higher emotions. Campell hamsters will actually live together in breeding pairs-as in, a male and female with life together harmoniously, and if one dies the other will fall into a depression like state. And then for my two male goldens, I was shocked to see two hamsters that are usually cutthroat have consensual intercourse, groom each other, and sleep in the same nest. So, long story short, hamsters do feel love, just not as strongly as humans. (p.s. mothers will eat their babies but only when they feel threatened or the baby is dead)

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16y ago

No, but clams do!

Yes They Can! Hamsters can be happy just like any other animal can, and they ARE capable of loving their owner, just like a cat or dog.

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yes they can i have a hamster and she is quite happy.