

Do hamsters need a lot of room in their cages?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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yes as much as you can spend..

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Q: Do hamsters need a lot of room in their cages?
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Why do hamsters escape from there cages?

Hamsters like to chew on the bars of their cage, if they discover a place where they can get out by doing this, they will escape. Perhaps the actual door of it's cage isn't very secure.

How large of a cage do you need for 2 hamsters to live together?

I would suggest not housing two hamsters together in the first place but... they don't need A LOT of space. Maybe a 16'' by 10''. that would be giving a lot of space. If you didn't have the space or money for one that big you could get something smaller. but the bigger the better when you are talking about cages.I would suggest not housing two hamsters together in the first place but... they don't need A LOT of space. Maybe a 16'' by 10''. that would be giving a lot of space. If you didn't have the space or money for one that big you could get something smaller. but the bigger the better when you are talking about cages.I would suggest not housing two hamsters together in the first place but... they don't need A LOT of space. Maybe a 16'' by 10''. that would be giving a lot of space. If you didn't have the space or money for one that big you could get something smaller. but the bigger the better when you are talking about cages.

How big does a cage need to be for 1 hamster?

Your cage does not have to be very large. As long as there is room for food, water, an exercise wheel, a place for you hamster to sleep, and a little extra room for walking around, you should be fine.

How maney types of hamsters are there?

a lot there are the bigger hamsters and the dwarf hamsters

What are the types of cages in petz hamsterz 2?

hamsters are small mammals and they also need space. i had a hamster once and i had atransparent plastic bocks (breathing holes included) so it should be about 1ft=langth 1/2ft=width 3/4ft=hight and need a lot off exercise,,

Do girl hamsters need lots of care?

i suggest no, because female hamsters are smellier.

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they need about within 100 yards of territory.

Do love birds cages need to be cleaned a lot?

hello, i have been a lovebird breeder and owner for the past 3years, their cages need to be cleaned about every two weeks or sooner. Lovebirds tend to make messes and their cages will start to stink if not cleaned alot. Also, it may depend on how big their cage is, and if it is indoors or outdoors.

Do you need a lot of room for livestock?

yes you need room so they can roam around feel free

How do you stop hamsters from breeding?

be nice to it touch it a lot ,and play with it

How much room do dogs need?

well dogs don't need a lot of room but make sure they have a bit of room so that they feel comfy!!!!!

Do Chinese hamsters sleep a lot?

Actually, all hamsters sleep a lot. Usually, they sleep in the day b/c they are nocturnal.