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Q: Do hawks have a streamlined body shape?
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Why seals have a streamlined body shape?

Yes, they do.

Why seal streamlined body shape?

It is to swim faster when it is catching their prey and running away from its predator. Its streamlined body shape helps it to swim faster.

Do mud skipper has a streamlined body shape?

Yes, they should have. The reason is that fishes have streamlined body shape and since mudskippers are also considered as a specie of fish, it would also have the same characteristic.

What is a dolphins shape and body skeleton structure?

they have streamlined shaped body like structure.

What does stramline mean?

the shape which is narrow in the beginning and broad in the middle is called a streamline shape. fishes have streamlined shape which makes their movement in water easier and helps to reduce water resistance.octopuses do not have a streamlined body but while moving it makes a streamlined body .boats ,fishes,airoeplanes etc have streamlineshape.

What is the body structure of dolphin?

its a streamlined in shape and are mostly warm blooded

Do all creatures that move through the water have a streamlined body?

No. Some animals( example. Puffer fish) don't depend on speed so they don't have streamlined body shape. Other fish that depends on speed to catch fish or running away from predator have streamlined body shape so that they can swim faster.

Found on bird's body or wing and adds to it's streamlined shape?


Does a platypus have a streamlined body shape?

Yes. Like many semi-aquatic mammals, the platypus has a streamlined body. This enables the platypus to swim and dive faster.

What is a function of a streamlined body shape of a seal?

What is the function of oil stored in the liver of a shark

How does the body shape of an airplane balance into air?

Kind of hard to understand your wording, but the body shape is generally designed to make the aircraft as streamlined as possible.

Why ships and boats are streamlined shape?

The body of ships and boats are streamlined coz that they can experince minimum amount of Friction while moving through water