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Q: Do healthy lungs float freely in water?
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What is the only organ in your body light enough to float on water?

Well not all organs can float, but lungs can float on water

What human organ can float on water?

the lungs

What are facts people shuld know about the lungs?

They need to avoid any pollutants that damage the lungs like, car exhausts, buses and any other vehicles. Especially do not smoke substances nor inhalants. Eat healthy. The lungs can float on water.

Why it is easy to float in open water?

We have air in the body. Our lungs.

What happens when lungs you put tissue into water does it float or sink?

they sink

What is the purpose of sargassum air bladders?

it allows the saragassum to float freely like a blanket on the surface of the water.

Why do you float lower when you breath?

When you breath out under water, you are releasing the air from your lungs. Air is far less dense than water, which is why things that are filled with air float. So if you breath in, and then go under water you will float toward the surface. However, if you breath out and release that air in your lungs, you lose the buoyancy that the air was giving you. Thus causing you to sink...

When in water why is your body mostly under it?

because of your mass, you weigh more then the water and you sink, now the oxygenated red blood makes you float more and the air in your lungs also help you float.

Why is a person easily carried in water?

Because the air in our lungs and body makes us buoyant (float)

Do humans float on water?

YES!!! Human density is 0.97 of 100 for water. So since we are less dense than water , we will float. Added to which nature gives us a pair of 'water wings' , they are called 'lungs'. Yes!!! you can lie on the surface of water, but because our density is slightly less than watert , most of the human organism will immerse in water, but enough is left above the surface of water, for us to breath.

Why do dead body float on water?

Dead bodies float on water much the same way living bodies do. And yes, living bodies do float on water. But if you panic and exhale, you will sink. IF you stay calm and keep your lungs inflated you will float. This is because of density. Anything less dense than water floats, and anything more dense than water sinks. Our human bodies have a density close to that of water and we WILL float if we keep our chest expanded and lungs filled with air. When people drown, their lungs are full of water and they sink. After a number of hours, up to a few days, gases from decomposition trapped inside their body make them buoyant and they will float. Then carrion eaters, blow flies, and other flesh eating creatures will puncture through their tissues, releasing the trapped gases, and causing them to sink again.

Why do people float although they have a larger density of water?

In water, you mean? If an object has a larger density than water, it will float; otherwise, it won't. From my own experience, when I inhale, when my lungs are full of air, I float without effort. When I exhale, I start to sink - and need some effort to remain at the surface.