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no only the female does

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Q: Do hedgehogs nurture their young
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Do hedgehogs protect their young?


Does hedgehogs lay eggs?

No! Female hedgehogs give birth to their young.

Use nurture in a sentence?

the young mother nurture her sick son back to health

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Are hedgehogs mammals?

Yes, hedgehogs are mammals. they have fur,and have live young.They have mammary glands for nursing young .yes.

How do Arabian horses raise their young?

They care and nurture there young until full grown

How do hedgehogs feed their young?

Hedgehogs are mammals, when they are first born they nurse from the mother, then the mother will eventually introduce their normal diet.

How long does a goat nurture their young for?

12 to 14 weeks

Can hedgehogs be mean?

Yes, pet hedgehogs can be very aggressive if they aren't socialized properly from a young age, or if socialization stops. Wild hedgehogs are typically aggressive as most wild animals are.

How long does a mother hedgehog carry her young?

Domesticated Hedgehogs: 6 weeks, sometimes 7 Wild Hedgehogs: Depends on species

What does a mother do for their young?

Mares protect, nurture, feed and socialize their foals.