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Not usually, but they can make sounds very similar sometimes.

When there is no rooster with a flock it is possible for the dominant hen to make a call somewhat like a rooster. It is always less forceful, more hesitant and of less duration than an actual rooster.

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Q: Do hens cock a doodle do like roosters?
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What is a roster's scream called?

Roosters crow. The crow of a rooster sounds like "Cock-a-doodle-doo."

How do you spell cockedoddlen roster?

The likely term is a "cockadoodling rooster" (crowing roosters are said to sound like cock-a-doodle-doo).

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Do hens hate roosters?

No they don't it just seems like it because of their nature

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The figurative language used in "The strain of strutting chanticleer cry Cock-a-doodle-doo!" is onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia is where words imitate the sound they make, like "cock-a-doodle-doo" imitating the sound of a rooster crowing.

Do hens have pimples on there legs like the roosters do?

Hens' legs are scaly and of a light colour. Sometimes dirt gets in between the scales. The scales are quite hard, and they overlap like the tiles on a roof.

Do Roosters ever get to old to crow?

We have the same problem. We have tw roosters and 28 hens. They are the White Leghorns. Generally the roosters take turns crowing. Lately the flock has been looks like snow in our coop. The roosters are not crowing. I have looked for an answer as you have. Interesting we both have the same problem. It looks like molting may have something to do with them not crowing.

Can a rooster be to old?

At his funeral, or when he can't chase and catch the hens.

Do female leghorn chickens make rooster like sounds?

Yes. Roosters have many different vocal sounds. A reassuring clucking sound is common for roosters to make.

What the sound the rooster do?

The mature rooster will usually make two sounds. The first is a low clucking noise and the second is a loud crow. In cartoons the crowing noise is often described as sounding like "cock-a-doodle-do".

Is it ok to have hens without roosters?

4 hens per rooster is a better ratio. Roosters often "rough up" the hens when they breed, so having more hens will prevent any one hen from being picked on too much. I know lots of people who feel like 8 hens per rooster is about the maximum the average rooster can handle.

What are names of game cock roosters?

There are over 150 different breeds of roosters. There are over 24 billion chickens (roosters and hens) in the world. White leghorns are very common, as are Brahmas, which are white with black tails and grey heads and Ameraucana which are fluffy and brown.Other breeds are Bantomss, whitch i own, they are a smaller breed of chickens. There is Campine, which look like the sterotypical roosters with the red crest and light and dark brown feathers. The Sebrights are black and white spotted and quite distinctive, while the Polish and Dorking are multicolored. Each breed has special characteristics when it comes to temperament, egg laying and comb type.