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No. Altocumulus do not cause thunderstorms, but altocumulus castellanus can be a sign that thunderstorms will develop later in the day.

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Q: Do high altocumulus clouds cause thunderstorms?
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What does the prefix alto- mean?

In Latin, the prefix Alto- means 'high' for clouds like Altocumulus, and Altostratus.

What does prefix alto mean?

In Latin, the prefix Alto- means 'high' for clouds like Altocumulus, and Altostratus.

What are altocumulus clouds?

Cirrus clouds (Ci) are part of the genera high-étage and will form from 5,000 m in the troposphere.

Do cirrus clouds bring thunderstorms?

Cirrus clouds generally do not bring thunderstorms. They are high-level clouds composed of ice crystals and are typically associated with fair weather. Thunderstorms are usually associated with cumulonimbus clouds, which are large and dense clouds that can reach high altitudes and produce thunder, lightning, and heavy precipitation.

What type of clouds are altostratus and altocumulus?

The type of clouds that altostratus and altocumulus are cold weather clouds. They either bring cold and dry or cold and wet weather. They both are also very high in the sky.

When do saucer shaped clouds form in the sky?

Saucer- shaped clouds usually form at high altitudes, and these are called lenticular clouds. Lenticular clouds can be separated into altocumulus standing lenticularis (ACSL). Due to their shape, they are often mistaken as Unidentified Flying Objects, (UFOs).

What is the difference between low level clouds middle level clouds and high level clouds?

All clouds are diffiened into four layers as follows- low level clouds-stratus, stratocumulus,nimbostratus and fog(really low stratus) medium level clouds-altocumulus,altostratus high level clouds-cirrocumulus,cirrostratus and cirrus. many level clouds- these are usually convective clouds like cumulonimbuses. stratocumulus for A+

What type of clouds produces rain that can last for several hours or days?

Nimbostratus clouds produce rain that can last for several hours or days. These types of clouds are found below 2000 meters, and their moisture content is high. Some other types of clouds are altocumulus, altostratus, and cirrus clouds.

Can you name clouds?

Yes. The highest clouds are the cirrus clouds, which are thin, wispy, and white, and there are cirro-cumulus clouds, which are puffy clouds. The middle clouds are the altostratus clouds which blanket the sky. There is also the altocumulus clouds which is also a puffy cloud. Lastly, there is the cumulus cloud which is as well puffy. Finally, we have the lowest clouds. the first one is the stratocumulus cloud which is ALSO puffy. there is the nimbostratus cloud which produces rain. then there is the stratus cloud, also know as fog. Finally there is the cumulonibus cloud, also known as a thunderhead. it has not either a high, middle, or low cloud. it stretches from the high clouds to the low clouds. as you can guess by its name, it produces heavy rain and thunderstorms. There are many clouds with the same features but an easy way to remember them is by the parts of its name: cirro/cirrus- high alto- middle cumulus/cumulo- puffy nimbo/nimbus- produces rain stratus/strato- low

Why do high pressure fronts follow cold fronts?

To cause thunderstorms

How cumulonimbus clouds may bring both thunderstorms and tornadoes?

In short, thunderstorm forms from masses of warm, moist air rising high into the atmosphere, which results in the formation of towering cumulonimbus clouds. Tornadoes are a product of rotating air currents in violent thunderstorms.

Which term is used to describe clouds of middle height?

Stratus. Think of strata layers in the ground.