

Do historians study cave art

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Yes, they are a major part of history, telling us the past of cavemen.

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Q: Do historians study cave art
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Why is cave art so important for historians to study prehistory?

Cave art provides valuable insights into the culture, beliefs, and daily life of prehistoric societies. By studying cave art, historians can understand the artistic abilities, symbolism, and social structures of early human communities. It also helps in reconstructing the timeline of human evolution and migration patterns.

What methods do historians use to study prehistoric events?

Historians use a variety of methods to study prehistoric events, including archaeological excavations, carbon dating, analysis of ancient artifacts, environmental studies, and the interpretation of rock art and cave paintings. These methods help historians piece together what life was like in prehistoric times and understand the cultural, social, and technological advancements of early human societies.

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Who study the past?

Historians study the past!! :)

Why archaeologists study written sources and historians study artifacts?

Archaeologists study written sources to study human life and historians study artifacts to find more about history.

What study's the past?


Why would archaeologist study written sources and historians study artifact?

Archaeologists study written sources to study human life and historians study artifacts to find more about history.

What is Prehistoric art?

its art before history. its mostly cave drawings. they started with "cave men".

Did neanderthals make art?

Yes, they were known for painting on cave walls.

What are people's who study history?

People who study history are historians.