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No, but they will have some problems. If the intruding cat threatens them, there is a great probability of a fight. Otherwise, depending on shape, size, weight, and fitness, one cat might kill the other cat if provoked.

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Q: Do home cats kill other cats if they invade their territory?
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Is getting a male kitten OK if you already have an adult female cat?

It depends on if your female cat is sterilized or not. Also, keep in mind that male cats spray or mark their territory and are more likely to do so in a home with multiple cats.

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Because they want to defend their home and put their scent on your house. She or he wont appreciate it if another cat or dog invades her territory so will chase it away. which is why you should have a cat flap in your home so that she can get out.

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Do you have to neuter male cats?

No, but if you do they will be less vicious and they won't wander as far from home. (I have 4 cats and 2 are male. 1 is neutered and the other isn't. The neutered one doesn't have a care in life but the other one is still a big softy! It depends what your cat is like. Also, un-neutered male cats like to spray to mark their territory!) Hope this was useful to you.

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Why do cats runaway when they're about to have babies?

cats runaway when they have babies cause they get scared that other cats will find them so they run and hide then after a week or 2 it will come back and have they're babies at home in a place where it is warm keep your cats close!

How do cats attract a mate?

Unneutered Tom cats will often wonder away from home when they smell a female cat in heat, or to look for a female in heat. It is common for them to always come home after a few days to a week later. Usually they return home pretty banged up from fighting with other male cats. I have also witnessed many different Tom cats around my own home when my female cat comes in heat. The best thing to do, if you don't want your tom cat to leave home in search of a female, or to spray all over the house is to have him neutered. It could save his life. Cats that are neutered or spayed tend to live longer than those that are not and will not get certain cancers that intact cats may develop at some point in their lives.

What kind of products does the company Tidy Cats provide?

Tidy Cats provide items specifically for Cats. The items that they provide are kitty litter and other cleaning products to maintain the fresh smell in the Cat owner's home.