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Every student has got different work to do even if you talk about only public schools. So same is the case with home schools. Home schools like UK Open College assign different tasks to their students. It totally depends on the course you are going for. Some courses are easy and less burdensome but some courses are a bit tough and demand some hard work from the students.

So I must say that you cannot compare the tasks ratio between public schools and home schools.

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Q: Do homeschooled children have the same work as those in public schools?
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Mormon public education?

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Should have an entrance exam in public school?

well, what kind of public schools are you talking about because many public schools already have entrance exams especially those for honors and smart children. For example, there is an entrance exam for the specialized high schools, for the Gifted & Talented Program, and of course Honors Classes. But if ur talking about normal district zoned schools, then I don't think there should be an entrance exam for those because what about the children who are not very bright? They still need to go to school right? So in my opinion, there shouldn't be entrance exams for all public schools, but for those that target smart and talented children, there should be one so that those children can get more advanced education and won't be held back by their peers who aren't as bright.

Does Ecuador have private and public schools?

Obviously we have those type of schools

How do homeschooled children do on national testing compared to public school children?

I was homeschooled since first grade, have known hundreds or thousands of homeschoolers over the years and am now homeschooling my own children. I also come from a family full of teachers and am a substitute teacher myself. Of the hundreds of homeschooling families I have known very personally over the years (and comparing them to the children I see at the numerous public schools in our area where I have and do substitute teach), I have seen over and over again that just because someone is not highly educated it does NOT mean that there children cannot receive not only an equal but a better education than most of the children in our public schools! Overall the homeschooled students in our area (Indiana) do MUCH better on National Tests both while in school and before entering college (i.e. SAT, etc.) than their public school counterparts! _______________________ Where I live (Indiana), homeschooled students are not required to take any tests, but in general homeschooled students rank much higher on test scores than public school children! I teach fifth grade in Illinois and have been the first public school teacher for 5 different kids. Each has entered school (after being home schooled)reading below grade level, with limited mathematical skills (they had been taught arithmetic, not mathematical thinking and comprehensive topics such as geometry and pre-algebra, and their writing skills were extremely low. Their skills were limited to the topics their parents had mastered in school or felt comfortable with. I know of a group of parents who collaborate on home-schooling and whose kids shine, but all of those parents are highly educated and devout religious people. Parents without degrees or knowledge need to keep in touch with their local schools if they are to be successful as home schoolers.

What is meant by public schools?

Public schools are operated by a government for the benefit of the general population, and they provide free education. This is in distinction to private schools, which charge tuition to those who attend.

What schools are in Kentucky?

Kentucky has many public and private schools for grades K-12. See related links below for lists of those schools.

What was the year that Massachusetts integrated its public schools?

1845.....all but those schools in Boston until 10 years later

Did children have to pay to go to ragged schools?

No, children did not have to pay to attend ragged schools. These schools were typically free and open to impoverished children who could not afford formal education. They were established to provide education and support to those in need.

Do you learn more in homeschooling or in public schooling?

Homeschooling, of course, because not only is that child in a better enviroment, but his parents can put lots of attention on him or her, answer his questions and that child won't have to share one adult w/ 20 something other kids. Though that is true, some believe homeschooled children do not learn socialization, such as dealing with annoying children and other people. They believe children can socialization skills only in a public school enviroment, and that some homeschooled children are not prepared socially to live in the real world because homeschooling shelters them from normal life experiences. While it would be foolish to say this is not true for a certain percentage of homeshooled children, it is equally foolish to say that all public school children are adequately socialized to live in the real world. Responsible parents who homeschool their children provide socialization activities. With many groups (Scouting, dance lessons, music lessons, etc), sports (Little League, soccer, swimming, etc), plus church activities for those who participate in religious activities, and other group activities avaiable, no homeschooled child needs to suffer from a lack of socialization. In addition, many if not most, parents who homeschool recognize that socialization is important, causing them to link with other parents to provide socialization activities for their children. The statement that socialization is problematic for homeschooled children is just false! In fact, if one was to do a study comparing socialization of public school children and homeschooled children, I would guess that the homeschooled children are far advanced in every aspect of education, including socialization. The issue is not which is better in general, the quality of education always depends upon the teacher and the learning environment. If parents who homeschool are not dedicated, prepared, nor have developed teaching skills, the child's education will suffer for it. Likewise in public educational systems if teachers are not qualified, the environment is not conducive to learning, necessary learning materials are not provided, the students will not receive the level of education they need and deserve.

Why there are no fees schools?

These are called "public schools" and there are fees to attend but those are paid in the form of property taxes paid each year by homeowners.

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Most children attend schools just as they do elsewhere in the world. 99.999% of people who live in deserts live in cities and towns and most of those have schools.

Does your child legally have to say the pledge?

I assume you are referring to the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools. The answer is no. It is federal law, under the First Amendment's free speech clause, that children may not be required to recite the Pledge. Children who don't want to do it, for whatever reason, can stand or sit respectfully while the others recite the Pledge. Schools are prohibited from forcing children to recite the pledge, and schools are prohibited from punishing those students for refusing to recite the pledge. However, any students who harass those who don't say the Pledge are subject to discipline or even expulsion.