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Yes, honeybees seal their bee boxes from predators. The insects in question (Apis spp) also use the sealing medium to repair cracks, crevices and fissures in their abodes. The medium works most effectively since the propolis in question represents the astute mix of sticky tree resin with wax to yield sticky glue.

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Q: Do honey bees seal their bee boxes from predators?
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Do honey bees go in the ground looking for nesting material?

No, honey bees produce wax for constructing their nests much like spiders produce their webs. Honey bees have a gland that produces a wax flake or scale that is then molded into the honey comb. Bees also use a matterial called propolis that is produced from the sap and resin of trees and is chewed by the worker bees into a paste that is used to seal up and weather proof the hive. When it dries it is very hard and strong. Propolis is also water proof.

How does honey bees produce honey?

This is a long and amazing "work-journey" of Honey-bees (which are the only type of bees making honey). Honey-bees get nectar by the flowers, and once their stomach is full (after visiting up to 150 flowers); this bee (called worker-bee) turns back to the nest or hive. While getting back to nest, an enzyme (produced by bees) is added to the nectar in order to break the complex plant sugar down into glucose and fructose (easily digested by the bees). When the bees are already in the nest or hive; the nectar will be delivered through their mouths and stored in the honeycomb cells; where the evaporation of moisture will start (bees will fan the nectar with their wings to speed up the drying process). After the nectar will be dried up, each worker bee will seal the upper part of each cell with a thin beeswax cap (which is the place where the honey is stored until we get it to eat).

What do bees use as glue from trees?

Honey bees take resins from tree buds and mix it with wax to produce a sticky substance they use to coat surfaces in the hive and to seal small cracks. In this form it is called propolis.

What do bees use the nectar from flowers to make?

Technically I think they do eat nectar but they turn it into honey in their stomachs. They then spit it back up to eat then or store in the cell walls to eat in the long winters. Hope this helps!!! -- Honey bees feed on pollen and honey. They make the honey out of flower nectar that they collect by sucking it out of flowers; they then store it in a special storage stomach and bring it back to the hive. There they pass it over to other worker bees, who make it into honey by mixing it with enzymes as they chew it. They spread the treated nectar into the honeycombs, and as the water evaporates from it, it becomes thick. When it is thick enough, they seal off the honeycomb cells with wax and store the honey until they need it.

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How many kilometers can a bee travel on 1 gram of honey?

They use their long, tubelike tongues like straws to suck the nectar out of the flowers and they store it in their "honey stomachs". Bees actually have two stomachs, their honey stomach which they use like a nectar backpack and their regular stomach. The honey stomach holds almost 70 mg of nectar and when full, it weighs almost as much as the bee does. Honeybees must visit between 100 and 1500 flowers in order to fill their honey stomachs.The honeybees return to the hive and pass the nectar onto other worker bees. These bees suck the nectar from the honeybee's stomach through their mouths. These "house bees" "chew" the nectar for about half an hour. During this time, enzymes are breaking the complex sugars in the nectar into simple sugars so that it is both more digestible for the bees and less likely to be attacked by bacteria while it is stored within the hive. The bees then spread the nectar throughout the honeycombs where water evaporates from it, making it a thicker syrup. The bees make the nectar dry even faster by fanning it with their wings. Once the honey is gooey enough, the bees seal off the cell of the honeycomb with a plug of wax. The honey is stored until it is eaten. In one year, a colony of bees eats between 120 and 200 pounds of honey.

What does a honey bee make honey from?

Honeybees collect sweet nectar from flowers and bring it back to their hives. There it is stored for future use, because its sugar provides honeybees with the energy they need. The nectar is stored as honey, which is a thick, concentrated form of nectar that has been converted in the bees' digestive tracts. Honey is stored in little compartments or cells in the hive, which the bees seal over with beeswax which they also produce. We call this honey-filled wax honeycomb. Beekeepers take honeycomb from the hive (leaving enough behind for the bees), using the wax for candle making and the honey to sweeten all kinds of foods.they collect pollen.

What does bees get from flowers?

pollen. then the bee turns that into honey A honey bee collects nectar, pollen and propolis from plants. It turns the nectar into honey, feeds the young bees with nectar and uses the propolis to seal small holes in the colony and for antiseptic purposes.

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What does trees provide to help bees?

It depends on the type of tree but when honey bees (Apis Mellifera) are living in the wild, they will often build their nest inside a hollow in a tree which provides them with protection from the weather and some protection from predators. Some species of tree will have an abundance of nectar for the bees to eat and store for the winter and others will have lots of pollen which the bee uses to feed its larvae. The bee can also use the resin from the tree to make a substance called propolis which it can use to fill any gaps in its nest.