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Q: Do horses use muscles that help them jump higher?
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Basically it works you calves, quads and your abdomen muscles. Working these muscles help you jump higher, therefore you will be able to dunk if you can jump high enough

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Yes, a strong core gives you more control over your muscles.

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it has strong back leg muscles what help it jump higher,its claws are retractable

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Cats, because of their predatory nature, have many muscle that humans do not have. However, the majority of the muscles as essentially the same.

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help them jump higher

What do you call the high jump for horses?

As far as I know there isn't a "high jump" for horses, if you mean the height a horse can jump, then i can tell you different horses have different hieghts they are able to jump ranging from a few inches above the ground to the highest jump ever recorded; 8ft 3 1/2 in, though its not official because it was in front of about 20 people, not a public crowd. (this height is rare and most horses jump 3-4 or 5 ft)..... Also Chase me Charlie is a game and sometimes a class at horse shows where several horses and riders attempt to jump higher than the other, like limbo for people, but the jumps get higher.

Can you jump a gaited horse?

Yes, with proper training and care gaited horses can jump. When you have people who say gaited horses can't jump, what they are basically saying is that "no, a horse can't jump." which is false. Horses need basics to survive (aside from food, water, shelter, ect.) they need strength and agility without that horses won't be able to survive at all. Jumping is one of those instincts horses do. If a horse can't jump in the wild, especially if its getting chased by a predator and there's a log in the way, then the horse would stop and it will die. Horses have agility and yes THEY CAN JUMP. Don't let people fool you because jumping is one of many horse natural abilities. However, you need to train gaited horses before you go all crazy, remember that gaited horses don't have the same muscles as non-gaited horses do, just do some training and hire a trainer to help you. ALL horses can jump the trainer and the rider just need to put their heart into it.

What is the benefit of wearing tube socks in basketball?

Tube socks keep the muscles in your legs warm and active. Some people suggest they will help you jump higher and run faster because of this.

Do thongs help you jump higher?

Yes they make you lighter which puts less gravitational pull on yourself allowing you to jump higher