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Q: Do houses in the rain forest have washing lines?
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What do people in the rain forest houses look like?

In this forests, there's no houses, due to the forest is very dense. (:

Where would a rain forest houses be located?

in the trees

How can humans live in the rain forest?

they live there by building houses

What is happening with rainforest?

when people tear down the rain forest and chop down trees there doing that to make houses and bulindings and they are distroying the tropical rain forest...

What stuff do rainforest people make their houses out of?

rain forest houses are made of mud, bamboo, wood and strong sticks.

Why are tree roots important to the rain forest?

because they provide nutrients to the other plants and they keep the soil from washing away

What kinds of shelters do tropical rain forest have?

they prob make houses out of the material around them.JULIAjewel :)

Africa rain forest is being cut down?

Because to build houses and for fires to cook and also light.

Is the amazon rain forest the largest rain forest in the world?

Yes, the Amazon rain forest is the largest rain forest in the world

Why is the Amazon Rain Forest now facing danger?

there are many reasons why.Cutting down of trees to use and loss of habitats for animalsPoachers and illegal huntingpollutionspace for new houses and businessesSave the amazon rain forest! Start now!

What and a tropical rain forest?

a rain forest

How do they survive in the rain?

if your talking about the people who live in the rain forest they have stilts on the bottom of there houses and the animals would climb up trees from tallulah 10 years old