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Sure. Anything that is mass-energy does.

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Q: Do human beings warp space time?
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Related questions

What was the method of achieving warp speed in Star Trek?

The method for achieving warp speed in Star Trek is to warp the space around the vessel and leave the vessel in a pocket of normal space. It contracts space time in front of the vessel and expands the space time behind it.

When was Space Warp created?

Space Warp was created in 1983.

When did Space Warp happen?

Space Warp happened in 1983.

Why gravity warp space time?

Einstein thought that bent space time explains much, and he is very smart.

How does a black hole wrap the space-time fabric?

A black hole warps space-time due to its immense mass, which creates a gravitational field that curves space-time around it. This curvature is so strong that not even light can escape, leading to the formation of an event horizon beyond which nothing can return. The extreme bending of space-time near a black hole is what causes its unique properties and effects.

What are the release dates for Time Warp - 2008 Human Crash Test Dummy - 1.6?

Time Warp - 2008 Human Crash Test Dummy - 1.6 was released on: USA: 29 October 2008

Can a black hole be felt?

yes you can be warp and die in a space time worm hole.

What are the various types of future technologies?

time travel space warp quickquotes quills

What are the release dates for Time Warp - 2008 Human Crash Test Dummy 1-6?

Time Warp - 2008 Human Crash Test Dummy 1-6 was released on: USA: 29 October 2008

Is there such thing as a time warp?

no,actually there is such thing as a time warp

What is the difference between hyper drive and warp drive?

Warp drive has a powerfull engine that warps space around it and hyper drive travels through space in a streight line where as warp bends the fabric of space to travel from one destination to another

Why does a space shuttle move in space when there is no gravity?

The warp drive engages.