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Q: Do human pupils get small when you flash a light?
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What does restricted pupils mean?

Its when your pupils get really small like when light hits it

How do your pupils get bigger and smaller?

when its dark your pupils grow because they are trying to look for light for them to see, and when its too light, they get small, trying to minimize the light going through them

What will make your pupils small?

When light come into your eye your pupils will get smaller. In a dim or dark room your pupils will enlarge to let in more light so you can see. Also some drugs will make your pupils smaller, or when your high they dilate.

What does it mean when your pupils look small?

Your pupils are small to prevent too much light from entering into the optic nerve. The darker it gets the larger the pupil becomes

How do you get small pupils larger?

Cover your eyes/stop light from reaching them. Your pupils will dialte to become larger only to catch more light. Certain drugs also make your pupils dialate.

What is normal size for a pupil?

yes, it is completley normal. you pupils get small because of the amount of light, so they get small to reduce the amount of light going in to your eyes.(:

What can cause you to have pinpoint pupils?

One's pupils get smaller in bright light. An extremely bright light can make the pupils become quite small, like a pinpoint. Special situations which can produce pinpoint pupil other than light are: 1. Opium overdose 2. Organophosphate poisoning 3. Pontine haemorrhage

What do small pupils mean -?

u see that big black circle in the middle, well whenever those get small, they are small pupils

What makes a human dazzled in the eye after being in a dark room and suddenly exposed to light?

The pupil of a human eye opens (gets large) and constricts (gets small) in response to the available light. When it is very bright, the pupil constricts to reduce the amount of light entering the eye. When it is dark, the pupil expands to capture as much light as possible. When you are waiting for your eyes "to get used to the light" of a darkened room, you are waiting for your pupils to open up. Back to your question! So there you are in the dark, your pupils open as wide as possible...and the lights come on! Way too much light floods your vision and your eyes, essentially, short-circuit (a flash of just white). You are momentarily dazzled while your brain's vision circuits (and your pupil sizes) reset.

Is night blindness caused by pupils not dilating sufficiently?

possible - most likely vitamin deficiency and/or abnormal rod cell count in eyes or possibly another eye disorder - infection or cataract. Check with an eye doctor or research online night blindness and causes. Night blindness due to constricted pupils is not total. Persons using pilocarpine eye drops have small pupils. Now it is rarely used. In darkness, you need more light , and the pupils dilate naturally. In contrast, pupils become small in bright sun light to cut down light.

Does using heroin change the size of your pupils?

Well, they don't dilate, they become pinpoint. When pupils dilate, it means they get bigger.

Why are my cats pupils so wide but she is not blind is something wrong?

No nothing is wrong with your cat, her pupils are wide because when any object with eyes looks at a bright light, their eyes get small. But when it's dark, the pupils get big. So know you know why. :)