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Q: Do humans release carbon dioxide when they die?
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What will happen if the supply of carbon dioxide is permamently cut off?

Plants "breathe" carbon dioxide. They use it in photosynthesis. If carbon dioxide was completely wiped out, plants would die. During photosynthesis, plants turn carbon dioxide into oxygen, which we humans breathe. Once the plants die, humans would also die from lack of oxygen. Carbon dioxide is not something we should try to get rid of completely. The bulk of the carbon dioxide is created by nature. Man produces 3 to 6% of the CO2, the rest is natural.

When trees die do they release stored up carbon dioxide?

Well, trees don't really store carbon dioxide; they use the carbon dioxide directly to produce sugars during the Calvin cycle. When decomposers eat up those sugars, they release the carbon in the sugars in the form of carbon dioxide.

On the nutrition label for Poland Spring sparkling water it has CO2 carbon dioxide how can humans get an intake on that if that's what you can die from and what we breathe out?

Carbon monoxide is what people die from, Carbon dioxide is used to produce the bubbles in sodas and sparkling waters.

A poison released by decaying matter?

Carbon dioxide is the poison released by decaying matter. When animals or plants die, they decay and release carbon dioxide.

How would earth be different without carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Humans would die of cold. A little carbon dioxide keeps the earth warm, through the greenhouse effect.

Plants breath in which gas?

A plant Breaths out oxygen, And breath in Carbon dioxide For humans its opposite we breath in Oxygen and breath out Carbon dioxide If we didn't have plants we wouldn't be alive and if plants didn't have us then they wouldn't be alive to.

If during the daylight hours plants and algae take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen if humans continue to destroy the rainforests what might happen to the balance between these gase?

they will die

Who or what will be affected most if there were no carbon dioxide in the air?

Plants would die, humans would get super stimulated. Plants love, and only breathe in, carbon dioxide. Humans can become hyper-active or overstimulated with nearly pure air, or Oxygen.

What do plants do with the oxygen they make from photosynthesis?

The oxygen that plants make is taken up by humans. The humans take the oxygen and transform it into carbon dioxide. When the humans do this then the plants take it and change it back into oxygen. This is a never-ending cycle, without plants, humans and animals would die out, without humans and animals, plants would die out.

Which is more dangerous carbon dioxide or water and why?

Carbon Dioxide because without water you die and with carbon dioxide(concentrated in large amounts) you will have trouble breathing, or possibly die.

If the air had no carbon dioxide what would happen?

First, all of the plants and trees would die. Then all the animals, including humans; would die.

How are all animals like as heterotrophs?

Heterotrophic simply means 'Pertaining to the utilization of organic compounds as source of carbon', or in other words, the animals are made of part carbon. Even humans are. When we die, our bodies break down and release carbon into the air, and, mixing with oxygen, makes carbon dioxide.