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Q: Do humans use goblin sharks for medicinal purpose?
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How dangerous is a goblin shark?

sharks aren't that dangerous they attack humans if they are scared

How well can goblin sharks see?

Sharks may not have the clearest eyesight, but they can detect 7 times more light than humans.

How are the goblin sharks not endangerd?

They are ugly looking to humans so we mainly don't hunt them, and are too deep to fish for.

Do goblin shark lay eggs?

I won t to now where goblin sharks lay they eggs . Are goblin sharks exdinced and they males hard to find

How do goblin sharks adapt to their environment?

The Goblin Shark has a retractable jaw

Do goblin sharks swim in schools?


Are goblin sharks mammals?

No, they are fish.

How do goblin shark talk to other goblin sharks?

it communicate to his fellow friend

What is a goblin sharks enemie?

We are an enemy of them and everything bigger than them!

Are goblin sharks poisonous?

No. Sharks do not have poison glands anywhere on their bodies.

Are goblin sharks exctinct?

no but there extremely rare

What r goblin sharks reproduction?

Scientists have yet to capture a pregnant Goblin Shark. Hypothetically, Goblin Sharks reproduce the same way other sharks. It is said that Goblin Sharks fertilize eggs in the female shark. The female then carries the eggs until they are hatched when she then delivers live baby sharks. This is called ovoviviparous. Scientists believe that pregnant female sharks typically go to the coasts of Honshu to deliver their young. Honshu is an island of Japan.