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No, Humming Birds don't "Hitch Hike" on others. They just slowly expand and move out there population.

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13y ago

I doubt it. I have never heard, nor read, of it.

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Q: Do hummingbirds migrate on the wings of other birds?
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Do hummingbirds travel on geeses wings?

No, They migrate like all other birds; by flying on their own or in pairs

How do humming birds migrate?

under the wings of geese

How do hummingbirds wings move different from those other birds?

The hummingbird's wings is special because the humming birds wings are the only wings that can rotate backward. Macking the Hummingbird the only bird that can fly backward. They can also flap their wings 15-200 times per second.;)

How hummingbirds got their names?

humming birds are named hummings birds beacuse of the hum there wings make when they fly

Why do bigger birds have a harder time flying?

Of all the birds in the world, hummingbirds are the best fliers. One of the things that makes them great fliers is the size of their chest. All birds have two chest muscles, one to raise the wings, and one to lower them. When the first muscle contracts it pulls the wings up. When the other muscle contracts it pulls the wings down. Most birds have small muscles for raising their wings. All their power comes from the downbeat. But hummingbirds have big muscles for raising and lowering their wings. They are the only birds that get flying power from both wingbeats. That is why they are such superb fliers.

what are the similarities of hummingbirds and eagles?

Some warblers and small flycatchers, for example, will hover briefly as they seek out insects. But these birds are still larger than hummingbirds and are unlikely to sip nectar from flowers.

When do birds go back home?

because their wings get tired.

Why is a group of hummingbirds called a charm?

Hummingbirds are small bipedal birds recognized for their rapidly fluttering wings. The fluttering of their wings resemble the sound of humming. When they group together, the hum becomes even more recognizable, thus, termed as 'charm'.

Why do humming birds flap their wings so fast?

Hummingbirds must move their wings at incredibly fast speeds because they fly differently than other birds. Hummingbirds must hover in one place while feeding -- something other birds cannot do by simply flapping their wings up and down (which moves the bird up, rather than keeps it in place). In order to do this, hummingbirds move their wings in a reverse figure-8 pattern, which provides a lift counterbalanced by a downdraft. The average wingbeat of a Ruby-throated hummingbird (one of the most common in North America) is over 50 beats per minute!They flap their wings so much so they can hover in front of flowers and get nectar without actually landing.

How do hummingbirds wings move differently from those of other birds?

The hummingbird's wings is special because the humming birds wings are the only wings that can rotate backward. Macking the Hummingbird the only bird that can fly backward. They can also flap their wings 15-200 times per second.;)

How are penguins similar to other birds?

All birds have wings

Can a hummingbirds wings be touched?
