


Birdwatching is a very popular hobby around the world. Finding and identifying all the different species is a challenge. If you enjoy learning the feeding, nesting, and mating habits of birds, this is the category to watch!

1,175 Questions

How do eyes work for a bird?

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Birds' eyes work similarly to human eyes in terms of structure (cornea, lens, retina) but often have adaptations to enhance their vision for activities like aerial hunting or navigating long distances. For example, many birds have a high density of cone cells for color vision and excellent motion detection due to a higher refresh rate of their retinas. Some species also have a third eyelid called a nictitating membrane that protects the eye while maintaining visibility.

Where do starlings sleep at night?

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Starlings sleep in large communal roosts, often gathering in trees or structures such as bridges or buildings. They may seek out sheltered locations to protect themselves from predators and the elements during the night.

A black and white bird with an orange beak starting with O?

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The bird you are describing is likely an Oystercatcher. It has black and white plumage with a distinctive long, orange beak. Oystercatchers are known for their foraging behavior along shorelines and mudflats.

Where do mourning doves migrate to and from?

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Mourning doves are non-migratory in most of their range, particularly in regions with mild winters. However, populations in northern regions may migrate southward to warmer areas in the autumn and return in the spring as temperatures become more favorable. They typically migrate to southern states in the United States and into Mexico for the winter.

Do mourning doves coo when it is going to rain?

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There is an old folklore that suggests mourning doves coo more frequently before it rains, as changes in atmospheric pressure may affect their behavior. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Mourning doves typically coo as a part of their normal communication and mating behavior, regardless of the weather.

What do you feed a baby pigeons?

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Well, squabs (Baby Pigeons) feed on crop milk so I don't think you should feed them seeds or that stuff until they are old enough. (Note: I'm not exactly a pro with squabs so go get some proper info from a real professional (I know lots about grown up pigeons!).)

How do birds gain altitude by circling?

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Birds use thermal currents to gain altitude by circling. As the bird circles, it gains lift from the rising warm air in the thermal, allowing it to climb higher without expending as much energy. This is a common technique used by soaring birds such as hawks and eagles.

Is mallard a herbivore?

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yes a mallard is a herbivore for its theeth cannot feast on meat for there teeth are too brittle Mallards are common ducks and mostly eat the seeds of grasses and sedges and the leaves, stems, and seeds of aquatic plants. However, they occasionally eat insects and crustaceans and molluscs, especially when they are young. So, in answer to your question, mallards are mostly plant eaters but I suppose their varied diet would mean they are classed as omnivores.

What is the element used in high speed drills and abrasives?

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Carbon, in the form of diamonds.

Ground-up garnets are also used, in the form of a coating stuck to abrasive materials such as disks for angle-grinders and the best kinds of "sand-paper".

What kinds of birds eat seeds?

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Birds that eat seeds include finches, sparrows, doves, cardinals, and towhees. These birds have specialized beaks that are adapted for cracking open seeds and consuming them. Offering bird feeders with seeds is a great way to attract these seed-eating birds to your yard.

What kind of bird is blue grey black and white but isn't a blue jay in Ohio?

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The bird you are describing could be a Dark-eyed Junco. They are small sparrows with a combination of gray, black, white, and sometimes a hint of blue in their plumage. These birds are common in Ohio during the winter months.

Is there a bird song dataset for multiple examples of the same and different birds?

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Yes, there are several bird song datasets available online that include recordings of multiple examples of the same and different bird species. Examples include the Xeno-canto database and the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. These datasets can be used for various research purposes in the field of ornithology and machine learning.

Why do birds not fall out of trees when they sleep?

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Birds have tendons in their legs that automatically lock when they perch, allowing them to grip onto branches even when they are asleep. Additionally, their feet are designed to clasp tightly around a perch, providing stability. This adaptation ensures that birds remain securely in place while they rest.

What is the largest seabird?

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The wandering albatross holds the title for the largest seabird with a wingspan reaching up to 11 feet. These majestic birds are known for their impressive flying abilities and long-distance migrations across vast ocean expanses.

What size does the hole has to be in the book Holes?

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Five feet deep and five feet wide= 25 feet squared

Why do finches build their nests in an orchard?

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Finches may build their nests in orchards because the trees provide good protection and camouflage from predators. The orchard may also offer a good supply of food, such as insects or seeds, which can help the finches feed their young efficiently. Additionally, the structure of the trees in an orchard can provide strong support for the nest.

What kind of baby bird has grey and white feathers?

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A baby dove typically has grey and white feathers. Doves are known for their soft, muted colors and are often found in urban and suburban areas. Their coloring aids in camouflage and protection from predators.

Are stork and crane the same?

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No, storks and cranes are not the same. While they may look similar at first glance, they belong to different families of birds. Storks are known for their long necks and legs and are typically found in wetlands, while cranes are known for their elaborate courtship displays and are often seen in grasslands and marshes.

What is the scientific name for a black crow?

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The scientific name for a black crow is Corvus brachyrhynchos.

What is the key term for a repeating pattern of rhythm and rhyme?

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The key term for a repeating pattern of rhythm and rhyme is "meter." Meter refers to the rhythmic structure of a poem, created by the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in each line, and rhyme scheme refers to the pattern of rhymes at the end of lines in a poem.

Where is the nest of the robin in the poem Trees?

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In the poem "Trees" by Joyce Kilmer, the nest of the robin is mentioned as being nestled in the branches of the tree. The speaker describes the tree as a home for the birds, highlighting its role in providing shelter and beauty to nature.

Which bird never drink water?

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The bird you are referring to is the Sandgrouse. Sandgrouse are a family of birds found in arid regions, primarily in Africa and Asia. They have a unique adaptation that allows them to survive in water-scarce environments. Rather than drinking water directly, they obtain moisture from various sources.

Why are cuckoos so rare?

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We are not totally sure why cuckoos are in decline. In the UK they are on the red list. They are also often hard to see. They are not enormously distinctive to look at, inhabit the countryside where most of us don't live, and outside the breeding season may be hidden by foliage. They are only summer visitors. They have a wide range of habitats, which conversely works against seeing them as there are less specific places to look than for some other birds. In fact Wordsworth said 'O, cuckoo, shall I call thee bird, or but a wandering voice?'. If you can find their haunts from local knowledgeable people, your best chance of seeing them is in the breeding season when they perch out in the open more often. Possible reasons for decline include a reduction in their food supply because of pesticide use, deterioration of their wintering grounds in sub-Saharan Africa, and the slaughter of songbirds along their migration routes, in places like Cyprus and Malta. These notes refer to the old World parasitic cuckoos. There are many other sub-families including American birds such as the roadrunner.