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Q: Do hurricanes have lower pressure over land or water?
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Related questions

Where do hurricanes mostly occur on land?

Hurricanes do not occur on land. They are only water storms and blow into land.

Tornadoes and hurricanes develop over which of the following?

Hurricanes form over warm ocean water while tornadoes usually form over land.

Can hurricanes travel over land and water?

yes they can and sometimes hurricanes get stronger when they travel on water.

When coastal land is warmer than the nearby water what type of breeze forms?

Along Coastlines, warmer air relates to lower air pressure, thus air flows from the higher-pressure, cooler setting into the area of lower air pressure. If the land is warmer, it has lower air pressure. Air over the sea would therefore be cooler and thus have higher atmospheric pressure, and the air will naturally from from the higher pressure (in this case, from over the ocean) to the lower pressure (over the warmer land).So you get a wind from the water onto the land, or a sea breeze.

Do hurricanes let off tornados?

No. Tornadoes are on land. Hurricanes are storms on water.

Where do hurricanes not form?

Hurricanes do not form over land or over cold ocean water.

Does hurricanes start over cold land?

No, hurricanes start over warm water.

Do hurricanes hit land?

yes they charge in the water then hits land

Why does hurricanes go over land?

Hurricanes don't actually aim for land. They area around a hurricane has very low pressure. The pressure systems, both high and low, will steer the hurricane. High pressure will keep the hurricane away. Usually, land just gets in the way.

Why do hurricanes rapidly decline on reaching land?

Hurricanes gain power from water so as it nears land, it loses some of its energy.

Can hurricanes and tornadoes are both spinning stormes that start over water?

No. Hurricanes start over water and tornadoes are on land.

Why do hurricanes get weaker when they hit land?

Hurricanes are form in water which makes it more powerful on water than on land.hoped my answer helped! :)