

Do hybrid cars emit co2

Updated: 10/20/2022
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11y ago

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Yes, they are still using fossil fuel as the energy supply

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Q: Do hybrid cars emit co2
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Related questions

In what ways are hybrid cars more efficient than gas cars?

They run on more miles for one gallon, needs less resources!the emit less Co2 and other harmful gases

Do cars emit co2?

Yes, infact vehicles are considered to be the main contributor to the Co2 in the atmosphere

What impact could hybrid cars have on our future?

The impact hybrid and electric cars will have on our environment is a very negative one. Just because they emit no or less Co2 doesn't make them good for the environment. Ask yourself, what is more harmful, emitting Co2 (Plant food) or using rare unsustainable minerals and metals for use in batteries? Not to mention you can use Co2 to grow plants for the use of food or biofuels.

Do hybrid cars emit radiation?

my most positive answer to this question is that i do not think hybrid cars emit radiation. it just doesnt make sense. They emit the same radiation any other car does: IR when the engine is running, visible light when the headlights are on, RF if you are using your CB radio, etc.

How do eco cars save the world?

they use less co2 emissions then usual cars. Common Eco cars are hybrid cars and electric cars

How many pounds of co2 get released in a year by non-hybrid cars?

none gas cars are the best hybrids suck

Are the hybrid engines good on the fuel economy and environmentally friendly cars?

Yes, Hybrid engines are good for the fuel economy and they are very enviromentaly friendly. Unlike regular cars, they do not emit any pollutants in the air.

What cars produce less Co2?

Hybrid cars produce less carbon dioxide because they run partially on an electric motor and partially on a gasoline engine. Therefore a hybrid will produce less CO2 than a car that relies solely on a gasoline powered engine.

What benefits do hybrid cars offer?

Hybrid cars reduce harmful emissions that regular cars emit into the air. They also contain two engines, an electric engine and a gas engine, so that if one breaks, the other will keep you going until you can repair it.

Do hybrid cars emit carbon dioxide?

Yes. if they are whole or even partly driven using fossil fuel then they create emissions

Are electric cars accelerating global warming?

This depends upon how the electricity is generated. Electric cars powered by electricity from coal fired power plants reduce local CO2 emissions, but increase them overall. Cars powered by wind, solar, nuclear, or hydrological power emit very little CO2.

What country has hybrid cars?

all countries have hybrid cars