

Do cars emit co2

Updated: 9/11/2023
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14y ago

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Yes, infact vehicles are considered to be the main contributor to the Co2 in the atmosphere

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Q: Do cars emit co2
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Do hybrid cars emit co2?

Yes, they are still using fossil fuel as the energy supply

In what ways are hybrid cars more efficient than gas cars?

They run on more miles for one gallon, needs less resources!the emit less Co2 and other harmful gases

Are electric cars accelerating global warming?

This depends upon how the electricity is generated. Electric cars powered by electricity from coal fired power plants reduce local CO2 emissions, but increase them overall. Cars powered by wind, solar, nuclear, or hydrological power emit very little CO2.

What gives off CO2 in everyday life?

Animals emit CO2 when they exhale.

Does the Amazon emit or absorb co2?

It absorbs Co2 through the process of Photosythisis.

Does plants release co2?

No. Plants emit their own CO2 through respiration.

How much CO2 do semi-trucks emit?

Hardly any at all ... hard to believe from what we perceive as exhaust emitting from their tall pipes, but some semi trucks emit less emissions than some older passenger cars.

How much CO2 does Australia emit?

1% of the worldds emissions

Do cut flowers emit carbon dioxide?

Once a flower is cut and starts dying it does emit CO2 as it decomposes.

What impact could hybrid cars have on our future?

The impact hybrid and electric cars will have on our environment is a very negative one. Just because they emit no or less Co2 doesn't make them good for the environment. Ask yourself, what is more harmful, emitting Co2 (Plant food) or using rare unsustainable minerals and metals for use in batteries? Not to mention you can use Co2 to grow plants for the use of food or biofuels.

Do cars emit sulfur dioxide?

Yes they do.

How much CO2 does Japan emit per year?

Too much !