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I didn't breastfeed, but I still always gave my babies water from the bottle, especially in the summertime.

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13y ago

Older babies who are still nursing can benefit from an occasional bottle of water, but the youngest ones get all the water they need through the mother's milk.

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A little water to drink is never a bad idea. Make sure the baby is getting enough formula to meet his/her needs and suppliment with a little water. Many children don't do well with tap water, so you may want to try bottled water at first to see what kind of reaction he/she has. You should NOT give a newborn baby water to drink. Pediatricians recommend that you not give a baby water until at least the age of 6 months when you start them on a sippy cup. A baby's stomach is only big enough to hold a very small amount of liquid, so you don't want to give him/her anything that doesn't have any nutritional value. Babies keep hydrated through breastmilk or formula so there is no need to give a baby water. If the weather is very hot the baby may need a little boiled water (NEVER tap water) if it is formula fed. Don't make the formula more watery, make the formula proeprly and then offer (not force) a little water. If it is breast fed it will alter its feeding pattern to get more of the hindmilk which is more watery anyway.