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Q: Do ice sheets exist today in Greenland and Antarctica?
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Where do ice sheets exist today?

alaska and antartica

Where are glaciers located today?

i nly kno 2 not three 1.) is Alaska and 2.) is Antarctica

How are the continental and alpine glaciers different?

Alpine glaciers, even though they move, are confined to mountain valleys, which in most instances had previously been a stream valley. Continental ice sheets exist on a much larger scale. These huge masses flow out in all directions from one or more centers of the land. They cover the entire continent, hence the name, and extend out toward the sea. Only two exist today: Greenland and Antarctica.

Where does slavery still exist today?

slavery still exists in all continents of the world (not including Antarctica) today. These places include the U.S., Albania, Pakistan, India, Mauritania, and Thailand.

Is a rhinos habitat Greenland?

No rhinos live in Greenland. Greenland is covered in glaciers or tundra, and no rhinos alive today could survive on a glacier or in a tundra environment. All rhinos today live in the tropics of Africa and Asia.

Where is it the coldest today?


Were do most continents fit together the best?

A map of the continents (with the exclusion of Antarctica and the inclusion of Greenland) is included in the link below and depicts how they would fit together today. They do not completely lock perfectly as their coasts have been eroded.

What would happen if there was no mining in Antarctica?

Today, there is no mining activity in Antarctica. This preserves Antarctica's pristine condition.

Does Antarctica have the horse of today?

There are no horses in Antarctica. It's too cold and there is no food chain for them there.

What is an interesting fact about geysers?

There are fewer than 700 geysers in the world today and these geysers exist on every continent, apart from Antarctica. About half of the world's geysers can be found in Yellowstone Park.

Do Head Start programs exist today?

Yes. They do exist today (2014).

What is one of the indications that the earth's climate has varied over time?

Fossils. We find fossils of tropical plants in areas that are definitely not warm today, such as Antarctica and Greenland. There are other, more complicated pieces of evidence as well, but that's one of the easiest to understand.