

Best Answer

Marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin do not affect how well Depo Provera works. If you're on something else, talk with your health care provider or pharmacist for information specific to your situation.

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Q: Do illegal drugs cancel out the depo-provera shot?
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There is no estrogen in Depo Provera. It contains only progestin. The 3-month shot contains 150 mg of depot-medroxyprogesterone.

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Could it be that the Depoprovera shot that you got has actually cured my Crohns disease?

No Depo provera has no known effect on Crohns disease. The progestin can change your appetite and therefore your eating habits but it does not cure Crohns disease. Most likely you are simply in a remission which has coincided with the new birth control.