

Do insects have vitamins

Updated: 11/13/2022
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14y ago

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yes because some of them are used for it

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Q: Do insects have vitamins
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Proteins and vitamins are the healthy foods that ladybugs eat. Proteins can be found in the aphids and the mealybugs that the insects in question (Coccinellidae family) include in their predatory forays through planned and wild gardens. Most ladybugs tend to be carnivorous even though a minority will feed upon plant parts, such as pollen, for fiber and vitamins.

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There are several vitamins that can help arthritis suffers. The B vitamins, C vitamins, K vitamins and E vitamins are all helpful. You can get information at

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Cyber Vitamins is a great website to buy many types of vitamins and supplements including all natural vitamins. The great thing about cyber vitamins is they guarantee all their products.

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What did people think caused pellagra 4 answer?

people of the south thought pellagra was caused by eating corn, or that it was a contagious disease carried by insects or bacteria. Pellagra is caused by lack of certain diets, but people in america don't have to worry about it today, because all the vitamins used to prevent pellagra are in flour.

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